Please select Word Wrap from the EDIT menu before reading this. --------------------------------------------------------------- Installing the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM If you've been curious about the world of adult-oriented CD-ROM entertainment, but don't want to blow your budget before seeing the goods, the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM is your ticket to total viewing satisfaction. The Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM features a delectable assortment of interactive multimedia selections from the adult industry's leading software companies including Pixis Interactive, Penthouse Interactive and Vivid Interactive. The unique hybrid interactive programming allows the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM to be compatible on both Macintosh and Windows operating systems. Windows User Requirements To be sure of running all of the software on the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM, a 486 DX 33 or faster IBM compatible computer is recommended. You'll also need a minimum of 8 MB of RAM running Windows 3.1 or higher, 640 x 480/256 color minimum, a Soundblaster-compatible sound card, mouse, and an MPC-compatible CD-ROM drive (double-speed or greater recommended). To enjoy the Internet portion of this CD-ROM, a 14.4K baud modem or higher speed (external or internal) is required. Macintosh User Requirements: To run every program on the CD-ROM, you'll need a 68040 CPU or faster with an 8-bit or better color or grayscale display; 24-bit color is preferred. A minimum of 8 Mb of RAM running System 7.0 or higher. Four Mb of unused RAM is required. A double-speed (300 kb/sec) or greater CD-ROM drive is recommended. To enjoy the Internet portion of this CD-ROM, you'll need a 14.4 or higher baud modem (external or internal). Installing for Windows The Penthouse Guide to Cybersex is installed by following these simple instructions: From Program Manager, select the 'Run' option under the File Menu. Type the following. (Remember to replace the X with your CD-ROM drive letter): X:\SETUP Click on OK. In a few moments, the main screen for the Setup program will show. The Setup program will suggest a directory to install the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM in. If you like the default suggestion, click OK. If you need to make a change, key in the new directory for the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex software. Follow the directions on the screen to complete setup. After installing all of the files required to run the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM, another Setup program will run. Penthouse Interactive and other adult software samplers on this CD-ROM require QuickTime for Windows 2.0 (QTW) in order to show their video clips. Fortunately, the Penthouse Interactive sampler is equipped with a copy of QuickTime for Windows and the QuickTime for W indows Setup is run automatically by the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex Setup program. Simply follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. QuickTime for Windows 2.0 Setup offers three different options in its setup program. In most cases, you will select 'Local Install.' The other two options involve setting up QuickTime for Windows on a network and don't apply to the majority of users. Check with your system administrator before continuing if you feel you must use one of the other options. QuickTime for Windows will scan your hard drive in search of previous versions of itself. If older QTW files are found, the QTW setup program will offer the option of removing the older file from your drive. Select 'OK' to delete the old version of QTW for maximum viewing results. QuickTime for Windows will install a program group into Program Manager entitled QuickTime for Windows. This Program Group has a movie viewer which allows you to view QTW movies and a READ.ME file with the latest information about QTW. If you experience any problems with your display when viewing a video, check this READ.ME file first. Once QTW Setup is completed, the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM is ready to use. Simply double-click on the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex icon in the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex Program Group to begin. Before running the CD-ROM be sure to read the additional information found in the READ.ME icon in the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex programming group. Penthouse Interactive Setup The first time you use the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM to view the Penthouse Interactive sampler, the Penthouse Interactive Setup program will be run. The Setup program installs all of the necessary operational components for Penthouse Interactive to the hard disk. The Setup program will request a directory to install the sampler in. Choosing the default directory is the best idea because the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex user interface will be able to find the Penthouse Interactive program again. (You can choose whichever drive you prefer). Penthouse Interactive will create a new program group in Program Manager called Penthouse Interactive. You may use the Penthouse Interactive sampler directly by double-clicking on the Penthouse Interactive PG Demo icon. If you see a message saying that QuickTime for Windows is required to run this program, don't worry. QuickTime for Windows was installed during the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex Setup. Uninstalling: Penthouse Interactive creates hidden directories on the hard drive. If you try to delete the Penthouse Interactive directory, File Manager will ask if it is OK to delete a hidden or system file. Yes it is, as this is the only way to delete all the pieces of Penthouse Interactive. Vivid Interactive and Pixis Interactive These programs require no installation as they run directly from the CD-ROM drive through the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM. Running on a Macintosh To run the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM, do the following: * Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. * Open the Cybersex folder * Double click on the Penthouse Guide icon in the upper left to begin Internet Web Browser Instant InterRamp is PSI's premier individual service for connecting to the Internet. The service along with NetManage's Internet Chameleon software provides a simple, inexpensive way to access the Internet via V.32bis modem (14.4kbps) or ISDN. Instant InterRamp allows you to connect on computers on the Internet from local access points located at PSI Points-of-Presence (POPs) throughout the U.S. PSI offers a seven day free trial of the Instant InterRamp Service. You'll be able to send and receive e-mail, navigate through the World Wide Web using Mosaic, read and post to over 10,000 Usenet newsgroups, FTP files from all over the globe, and log onto informational servers using Telnet. You'll even be able to access the busiest site on the Internet, Penthouse's World Wide Web site which gets up to 2.7 million hits per day. Visit Penthouse at Please note that InterRamp Customer Service is available directly from InterRamp, not the creators of the Penthouse Guide to Cybersex CD-ROM. If you have any problems connecting to PSINet, InterRamp Customer support can be reached at 703-904-7748 or through e-mail at System Requirements Windows Hardware Requirements IBM PC or compatible computer with 4 MB or more of RAM, 386 CPU or later capable of running Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later in Enhanced Mode, CD-ROM drive, mouse, 1.44 meg HD, 3.5" floppy disk drive, and a hard disk with at least 4 MB free for product installation. You'll also need a V.32/V.32bis modem that you can connect to a COM port of your computer or an ISDN Card/Digital Modem (available from PSI) with the right configuration. If you are using ISDN after electronically enabling your account you will need 1) ISDN TA/NTI (available from PSI) or ISDN Card/NT1, and 2) BRI telephone line Macintosh Hardware Requirements Macintosh SE or later version with 4 MB of RAM, Macintosh operating system (version 7.1 or later), CD-ROM drive, and a V.32/V32bis modem that you can connect to a COM port of your computer or an IDSN Card/Digital Modem (available from PSINet) with the right configuration. If you are using ISDN after electronically enabling your account you will need 1) ISDN TA/NT1 (Available from PSINet) or ISDN Card/NT1 and 2) BRI telephone line. Macintosh Software Installation: Double Click the InstantRamp Installer icon to begin installation of the software on your disk drive. An information window will appear. The "InterRamp is the Internet" window explains all about the InterRamp service, including information on what InterRamp is, the Terms and Conditions of the service, a listing of local access phone numbers, what you will need and a lot more information. You may Save or Print this file, these options are under the "File" menu. Please click "Continue" to install TCP/Connect II Remote. Please select a folder for your Instant InterRamp files. Instant InterRamp recommends creating a new folder just for InterRamp. When prompted for the installation location create an InterRamp folder by clicking "New" and typing "InterRamp" as the name of the folder. Once you have typed, "InterRamp," click on "Create" to continue. Once the folder has been created, click on the "Install into InterRamp" bar. The Installer will now install TCP/Connect II Remote on your hard drive in the folder named, InterRamp. Once installation is complete and TCP/Connect II Remote has indicated it is finished, please select "Quit" to continue. The InterRamp folder on your hard drive will open on your desktop. Please note that the InstantRamp application, the InterRamp file, the InterRamp Script file and the TCP/Connect II software must all be in the same folder. Double click on the InstantRamp application. This launches the application and you are now ready to sign up for an account. Under the "File" menu please select "New Account." You will now be prompted for modem setup and account information. You need to select Active Serial Port to match the serial port to your modem. You also need to select the correct modem speed. The modem speed must be set to the maximum speed supported by the modem hardware, NOT 2400bps. The InstantRamp program sets the speed at which TCP/Connnect II Remote runs. Select "OK" to continue. Please fill in the account information screen making sure all the fields are filled out completely. Select "OK" and the InstantRamp application session is initiated. "InstantRamp" dials the InstantRamp server at PSINet. Caution: If for some reason the InstantRamp session is interrupted the connection terminates and you can try again by selecting "New Account" from the "File" menu to start the process over. A Window will appear asking you to choose one account option and your information will be processed. A window with all of your configuration information will be shown. At this point, you may save this configuration information to a text file or print it out to a printer. These options are under the "File" menu. Quit the InstantRamp application by choosing "Quit" under the "File" menu. Please Note: If you were to run InstantRamp again, the software will warn you that you have already registered, and offer a choice of whether to register again or to view your configuration information. If you choose to view configuration information, the software just shows your configuration information in a window, allowing you to print it out or save it to text at any time. You can now launch TCP/Connect II Remote by double-clicking on the PSI InterRamp icon. When launched you will see the configuration panel come up. You will notice that it contains all of the necessary information to dial up to your service and get going on the Internet. No further configuration is needed. Please note that you will have to change the phone number that you dial if you are using ISDN as the InterRamp file defaults to the v.32bis phone number. After closing the Configuration Panel window, select "Terminal" from the "Services" menu item either with the mouse or by hitting Command-K. A terminal window will come up with InterRamp as the service to which you want to connect. Select the or key. The InterRamp Script will be initiated and dials InterRamp to establish your Internet connection. Please note that without this script file in the same directory as the TCP/Connect II Remote application you will not be able to get the application to dial PSINet. The script makes a PPP connection and you are on the Internet! Windows User Information Internet Chameleon Version 4.11.2 NetManage, Inc. Internet Chameleon is a software package for Windows PCs that allows any user to easily navigate the Internet. The Instant Internet application in Internet Chameleon automatically signs up a user for a new Internet user account and connects you to the Internet within 5 minutes. The application suite includes all the tools you need for exploring the vast resources of the Internet; including: document browsing (Gopher, WebSurfer), file transfer (FTP client and server), personal communication (Email, NEWTNews), searching (Archie), terminal emulation (Telnet), diagnostics (Ping, NEWT), user information lookup (Finger, WhoIs). A consistent graphical user interface makes each of these applications easy to use. Internet Chameleon is designed for mobile, home, or remote users who want dial-up access to the Internet through a modem. Please read this document first before using Internet Chameleon. It contains important information not included in the user documentation. For easiest reading, maximize this window by clicking the Maximize button (Alt+Spacebar, X). You may also want to print it for future reference. This file contains the following sections: 1. New in This Version 2. System Requirements 3. Where to Begin 4. Troubleshooting Tips 5. Exploring the Internet- What Now? 6. Other NetManage Products 7. How to Contact NetManage New in This Version Instant Internet - an automatic account signup and configuration application WebSurfer - a World Wide Web browser Archie - a search tool for FTP sites Support for modem speeds up to 115.2K baud Support for ISDN high-speed connections More preconfigured scripts for Internet Service Providers System Requirements Software: Windows 3.1, running enhanced mode 256 color video driver recommended for use with WebSurfer Hardware: 386 CPU or later RAM: 4MB Disk space: 7MB 1.44Mb disk drive Modem (14.4K baud or above recommended) Where to Begin (Please Read Before Starting) Begin by selecting the Instant Internet application. Your Internet Chameleon has not been activated with a serial number yet. Instant Internet will allow you to activate the software online. At this time, you may choose to sign up for a new Internet account, request a demonstration account, or configure your software for an existing account. Signing up for a New Internet Account Each folder tab in Instant Internet represents a different Internet service provider. Choose one provider that you would like to sign up with. Select the More Info button for each provider to see the special offer to NetManage users. Once you have decided on signing up with a specific provider, select the Signup button. Fill in the registration form completely and hit the Send button.. Depending on the provider, there may be more than one form. Your provider will send a confirmation notice on the price of the account and the price that you will be charged for the Internet Chameleon software. Some providers will offer free trial periods. In this case, the provider will give you a demo serial number that is time-limited. Once the time has expired on your demo account, you must use Instant Internet again to sign up for a permanent account. Demos are limited to one per person. Select OK to continue with the registration process. Instant Internet will sign you up for an account and configure your PC for an Internet connection. NOTE: All communication with the registration server is over a secure phone line, not the Internet. Your credit card will not be charged unless you explicity sign up for a regular (non-demonstration) account and license. You will be given an opportunity to cancel the transaction after dialing into a registration server and before continuing with the signup process. Your credit card information will not be passed to the provider's server unless you agree to continue after receiving the initial pricing message. If you have a question regarding pricing or availability of local access numbers, please contact the provider directly. Once registration is complete, Instant Internet will create icons for each Internet Chameleon application in the program group. Open the Custom application and verify that your Dial, Port, and Modem settings in the Settings menu are correct for the interface(s) created by your Provider. The interface(s) shows up as line items on the bottom of the Custom window. If you are using an ISDN connection, you will also need to set the Hardware setting. You only need to verify these settings once. Select Connect. Minimize Custom and begin using the applications. Configuring for an Existing Internet Account If you have an existing dial-up account with an Internet service provider, begin by selecting the Instant Internet application and choose the NetManage registration folder tab. Fill out the two registration forms completely. Your provider should have given you information needed to fill out the second registration form when you signed up for an account. Provider identification number: A unique number for each provider assigned by NetManage. If your provider does not have one, leave this blank. User account name and password: Uniquely assigned to you by your provider. Your account name and password allows you to access the Internet through your provider. Your IP address: A unique number assigned to you by your provider. If your provider uses dynamic IP assignment (e.g. you get a different IP address assigned to you each time you connect), fill this field in with '' Mail account name and password: Uniquely assigned to you by your provider. Your mail account name and password allows you to send mail through the Internet. Type of account: Choose from one of the following: PPP, SLIP, CSLIP, ISDN. Your provider will notify you of your account type. Once you have finished filling out the forms completely, hit the Send button. A confirmation notice will appear that states the price that you will be charged for the Internet Chameleon software. You will have the option of selecting a 30 day no-charge demonstration period or activating the software permanently for a fee. Demos are limited to one per person. Select OK to continue with the registration process. Instant Internet will configure your PC for an Internet connection and create icons for each Internet Chameleon application in the program group. You may receive a message that your provider has not filed a configuration for their service with NetManage. In this case, you will need to open Custom and complete the configuration. Do this by filling in the domain name and dial (access phone number) in the Setup menu, and the domain name server in the Services menu. Do a Save in the File menu, exit Custom and restart Windows. Reopen the Custom application and select Connect. Minimize Custom and begin using the applications. Follow the instructions in the manual to set up your mail (POP) server and (NNTP) news server. Troubleshooting Tips Which Interface do I Choose in Custom? Each interface shows up as a line item in the bottom of the Custom window. For Instant Internet, some providers may create multiple interfaces in Custom to allow you to choose from a number of dial-up access numbers. Check the Dial value in the Settings Menu for the access number. If you do not see a number local to you, call your provider to see if they have recently added one. Creating Multiple Accounts in Instant Internet More than one account can be created by signing up through Instant Internet multiple times. Be sure to select the correct account interface in bottom of the Custom window before connecting. WARNING: Creating a second account from a new provider will overwrite the domain name server, POP server, NNTP News Server, and World Wide Web default home page. Clicking on the Instant Internet Traffic Lights Doesn't Do Anything In the registration folder tab, the traffic light and computer pictures are there to indicate the status of your registration with the provider. Clicking on them has no action. My Modem Does Not Dial in Instant Internet Is your modem on? Check your com port settings by selecting the Advanced button on the bottom of the folder tab. Try sending again. The Instant Internet Registration Phone Number Won't Work Do you need to place a prefix or suffix in the phone number to dial out? Select the Phone List button on the bottom of the folder tab and change the phone number. Try sending again. Custom: The Access Phone Number in my Internet Connection Interface Doesn't Work Do you need to place a prefix or suffix in the phone number to dial out? To replace the dial-up access phone number or add a prefix/suffix, go into the Custom application and select the Dial item in the Setup menu. Modify the number and select OK. Modifying Your Internet Interfaces Through Custom If you need to change any of the setup values for your interface, be sure to save the configuration in Custom and restart Windows before trying to connect. Testing your Network Connection Ping allows you to validate that you are successfully able to communicate with other machines. Ping sends a brief message to another host, and a reply will echo back if you are able to reach that machine. A good test would be to ping the domain server IP address given you by your administrator, for example,, or try pinging your mail server name, for example, You can also ping other hosts by either their IP addresses or by name. Note that in order to ping machines by name, you must have input a correct value for at least one Domain Name Server in Custom. The Domain Name Server translates domain names to actual IP addresses. Single Click on WebSurfer Jump Points To jump from one anchor point to another in WebSurfer, you need only to click once on the anchor (usually a blue, underlined phrase). Do not click multiple times on the anchor as this will result in multiple retrievals. Clearing Your WebSurfer Cache to Save Hard Disk Space When using a cache, WebSurfer will save all documents that you have seen on your hard disk. This allows WebSurfer to bring up the document faster. WARNING: Be sure to clear unwanted documents from your cache from time to time in order to save your hard disk space. 16 Million Color for WebSurfer The WebSurfer application in Internet Chameleon uses graphic display software to show the graphics on home pages. This software has been optimized to display colors as accurately as possible. To take full advantage of your color display, be sure to load your 256 color video driver for your monitor. Because the software does not map colors to the "closest available color" you may see a speckled look to graphics on 16 color computers. This mapping gives you the closest approximation of any color possible and is especially helpful on photographs. Interrupting the Retrieval of a Page in WebSurfer If you wish to stop the retrieval of a page, go to the Connection Status dialog from the Retrieval menu and cancel the appropriate entries. You may wish to do this if the retrieval is taking too long. Viewers for WebSurfer In order to take advantage of the multimedia items in the World Wide Web, you will need to load the appropriate viewers for your computer. For example, to play sound files, you will need a sound player. To see GIF files, you will need a GIF viewer. If you do not have multimedia viewers, you can download free viewers from the Internet. Locations of viewers on the Internet can be found in our NetManage home page Select the Product Info button and go to "answers to common questions" under the Internet Chameleon heading. Select "viewers". After downloading the viewers, remember to associate the viewer with the corresponding file extensions in Window's File Manager. Edit HTML in WebSurfer This feature displays HTML source code for the active page. You may change the default editor you use for viewing the HTML by going to Settings menu, Preferences item and choosing the correct Helper application file name for your HTML editor. Subscribing to Newsgroups When you list all the newsgroups in subscribing, bear in mind that it will download over 6000 newsgroups. It may take several minutes. Be patient. My Mail Application Won't Work Did you reboot your computer after creating an Internet connection through Instant Internet? Adding Text to Toolbar Icons Want easier to understand toolbar icons? Use Smart Buttons to see larger icons and text. Just check the Smart Buttons item under the Settings menu. Archie Isn't Returning Anything Open the Log windows from within the Preferences menu to see what is happening. The Archie server may have a high traffic flow. Try searching on another server. Try setting the maximum number of hits in the Preferences menu to a lower number. Megahertz 14.4kbps PCMCIA Gold Series FAX Modem with XJACK, model #XJ2144 In Custom, change the modem settings to reflect an initialization string to AT&F&C1&D2&Q&K&S1W2S95=%C\g. Exploring the Internet- What Now? The Internet is actually a group of many networks linked together. The applications in Internet Chameleon allow you to access the information on each type of network. Use the WebSurfer application to go to the NetManage Home Page and jump from there to the rest of the World Wide Web. Just double-click on the "Jump Points" button to get a comprehensive listing of great places to go. Use the Gopher application to explore "All the Gopher Servers in the World" by double-clicking on "Bookmarks" and then "Other Gopher and Information Services." As you find interesting sites, be sure to save them as a bookmark so that you can jump back to them easily. Send an electronic mail message to a friend and attach a picture of yourself using MIME attachments. Send NetManage an email at to tell us how you like Internet Chameleon. Subscribe to one of thousands of mailing lists such as an Internet Marketing list by sending a message to and include as the text of your message "SUBSCRIBE INET-MARKETING OF ". Create your own personal email signature that is attached to the bottom of every new message. Select the Signature item in the Settings menu in the Mail application. Common signatures range from 1 to 5 lines and include addresses, favorite quotes, and funny faces. Use the NEWTNews application to read news.announce.newusers for introductory information on how to use newsgroups. Subscribe to alt.chameleon for news on NetManage. Download the "Internet Access Guide: Introducing The Internet" document using the FTP application. Log onto as "anonymous" user with your email address as your password. Read one of the many popular Internet guidebooks to get acquainted with the structure of the Internet and for listings of places to explore. If you experience other difficulties getting connected, please Internet Access Provider's technical support. Enjoy your Internet Chameleon. Other NetManage Products Internet Chameleon is a package intended for dial-up use only, using either the SLIP, CSLIP, PPP or ISDN protocols. NetManage's flagship product, Chameleon TCP/IP for Windows, has the additional capability of running TCP/IP over Ethernet, Token Ring, or FDDI LANs -- creating your organization's own TCP/IP network. It also includes TN3270 and TN5250 emulation, Visual Script Editor and Visual Script Player applications, a front end to PROFS/Office Vision electronic mail, LPR/LPD support for printer sharing, and a Domain Name Server. ChameleonNFS includes all the functionality of Chameleon, plus a complete implementation of NFS client and server. Other products from NetManage include Chameleon32 and Chameleon32NFS for Windows NT, X server products ChameleonX and ChameleonNFSX for Windows PCs, Software Developers Kits for developing WinSock and ONC RPC client/server applications, and NEWTWatch -- a new Desktop Management and Packet Trace application suite for system administrators. How to Contact NetManage To obtain information about other NetManage products, or be placed on NetManage's mailing list for upgrade and new product information please contact NetManage at the following address and specify that you are a user of Internet Chameleon. NetManage, Inc. 10725 N. De Anza Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 973-7171 phone (408) 257-6405 fax Sales: Support: Product feedback: World Wide Web: Newsgroup: alt.chameleon ---end---